Category Archives: Phil Cannella Blog
Do It Yourself or “DIY” Retirement Planning
“Do It Yourself” or DIY retirement planning is probably a phrase you never thought you’d consider. With traditional pensions declining, individuals are starting to work on planning their retirement by themselves. Typically, you’re on your own when it comes to saving for retirement, or for the rest of your life. This is definitely a tough challenge for many individuals. To help you begin planning for retirement, you can apply concepts from portfolios that others have used to accumulate assets while building their own portfolios. While Read More +
What To Do During Retirement
Let’s face it: being retired can be boring after a while. After you’ve stopped working, the days can start to run together if you aren’t out experiencing new things. Here’s a list of things that you can do during retirement to experience the “recess years” of your life. 1. Travel. If it’s within your budget, try and get out of town for a while. Whether it’s the other side of your state or the other side of the world. Sometime experiencing new towns and cultures Read More +
Phil Cannella Provides Crash Proof Answers to Tough Retirement Questions
Phil Cannella learned early in his life how important it is to protect senior citizens from the obstacles that could stand in the way of a secure retirement. That’s why Phil Cannella has spent the past 39 years as a consumer advocate and working to reach the designation of “Retirement Phase Expert.” But in the early 2000s, Phil Cannella found his true mission and calling in the form of his trademarked & exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System. The fallout from the 2001-2002 stock market collapse Read More +
Phil Cannella Takes On the Big Dogs
Phil Cannella, in an effort to bring about financial industry reform, has had to stand up against some of the big players in the financial and banking world. The motive behind his efforts is simple: The big investment banks and Wall Street make a lot of money on fees and commissions from everyday investors. Most investors are ignorant of the amount of money their paying each year to their brokers and advisors. Phil Cannella is diametrically opposed to everyday consumer getting fleeced by Wall St. Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains How to Avoid the “Retirement Bubble”
Phil Cannella is acutely aware of how fragile our current economy is and how it’s been artificially propped up through trillions of dollars of quantitative easing. Unfortunately, the country’s massive debt, and the ever-escalating budget deficits are putting this economy into an untenable position. Phil Cannella is a businessman and as any good businessman or business woman will tell you, you cannot run a business by constantly driving it into further and further debt. Phil Cannella will tell you that this economy is poised for Read More +
Phil Cannella Gives Life Lesson About Retirement
Phil Cannella makes a very astute observation about life when hearing people in retirement make the following exclamation: “I did it…I made it to my goal.” Phil Cannella’s response: “It all comes back to the “cycles” of life.” Phil Cannella makes an analogy of 10 explorers climbing Mt. Everest and reaching the top. When they arrive at the summit they exclaim: “We did it- We Made it to the top! We’ve accomplished our goal!” However, Phil points out that only “half of the journey’” has Read More +
Phil Cannella Stands for Truth and Logic
On his Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella explains that “building a retirement plan is based on a foundation of truth” and he built the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System on a foundation of truth and logic. During every step of the process of constructing an individualized Crash Proof Retirement System, Phil Cannella looks to eliminate all the risk factors that could upend an otherwise sound retirement plan. To begin with, he examined stocks, bonds and mutual funds and discovered a common denominator in them Read More +
Phil Cannella Concerned about Seniors Outliving Their Assets
Phil Cannella points out that one of the biggest challenges facing retirees is not necessarily running out of money during retirement. While statistical averages can predict to a certain degree our life expectancy, the truth of the matter is that we could live longer than the average. As we head into retirement, Phil Cannella tells us that we need to look at our needs, our goals and our assets and come up with a course of action that ensures that we don’t deplete our assets Read More +
Phil Cannella Says Don’t Count on Social Security for Retirement
When designing a Crash Proof Retirement System for a consumer, Phil Cannella looks at all economic factors that could impact an individual’s retirement plan. One of these is Social Security. For many Americans Social Security is a key component of any retirement because it represents a stream of payments for life; something each and every one of us might end up relying upon to live out the rest of our years. However, Social Security has a major weakness which is COLA. COLA stands for Cost Read More +
Phil Cannella Addresses Retirement Concerns
Phil Cannella developed the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System is order to fulfill his duty as a consumer advocate and serve a needs of retirees that had become very evident after the tech bubble burst in the early part of this century. After seeing so many people, in and near retirement, lose so much of their nest-eggs so fast, Phil Cannella developed his proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System to protect assets so that baby-boomers could enjoy the retirements for which they had always wished. One Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains Effectiveness of Crash Proof Retirement System
Phil Cannella has taken the risk out of investing by creating the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System that allows one’s investments to grow as the markets rise, but stay even when the markets go down or even crash. Crash Proof investments never lose a penny of principal and that includes all of the vehicles within the Crash Proof System. This creation of the Crash Proof System goes right back to the core of Phil Cannella’s values and what he stands for when it comes to Read More +
The Philosophy Behind the Phil Cannella Crash Proof Retirement System
Phil Cannella explains that the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System is not just a retirement strategy, it is a philosophy itself. Unlike many financial professionals who pitch the same one or two products to all investors, what Phil Cannella does is very different. His approach is to, first of all, educate the consumer in front of him. Before anyone becomes a client, Phil has spent many hours educating individuals on the financial industry, its pitfalls and what an investor and, most especially, a retiree must Read More +
Protecting Your Retirement From You – by Phil Cannella
With the 2008 recession still fresh on the minds of baby boomers in or near retirement and with the “flash crash” that took place this past August, now is the time to step back and take a look at the versatility of your savings. Over 30 million Americans in the previous 12 months have dipped into retirement savings to pay for an unexpected expense. New research shows this undercuts financial security and leaves the need for every household to maintain an emergency fund. Baby boomers Read More +
Phil Cannella Protecting Your Investments
Phil Cannella has devised a unique system that eliminates all market risk from an investor’s portfolio, while at the same time offering decent returns. I am not talking about a bank CD or money market account which, though they are considered safe, the interest these accounts earn don’t even keep up with inflation. What we are talking about are Crash Proof Investment vehicles that eliminate market risk yet still have the potential of upside growth. These financial vehicles participate in the growth of the market Read More +
Phil Cannella—The Original Consumer Advocate
Phil Cannella has spent a lifetime fine-tuning a strategy to protect the retirement futures of consumers. Last week, Phil Cannella and Joann Small discussed the role that peace of mind plays in the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System. For almost seven years, Phil Cannella and Joann Small have been on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, explaining and describing the countless benefits of the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System to loyal listeners throughout the Philadelphia area. And as Phil Cannella likes to say, the Crash Proof Retirement Read More +
Phil Cannella Warns Of ‘Ripple Effect’ From Greek Debt Crisis
Each week on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and Joann Small report on the global financial issues that could affect the economy–and your retirement. This week, they went in-depth on the current crisis in Greece. By now, everyone knows the people of Greece have voted ‘no’ in a referendum on whether or not to accept the bailout terms offered by the European Union and other members of the Eurozone. Previously, the leaders of other European nations maintained that a ‘no’ vote would spell Read More +
Phil Cannella Stands For Truth And Consumer Advocacy
Phil Cannella: Not Your Typical Financial Professional Phil Cannella’s long, storied career in protecting the futures of American retirees was built upon the strength of his character. Over 39 years, Phil Cannella has built his name and reputation on the concept of fiduciary responsibility. It troubles him when he sees others continue to disregard the well-being of clients. The financial crisis of 2008-2009 brought to light the rampant wrongdoing that permeates Wall Street. Industry professionals seek to take advantage of unwitting and gullible consumers. Insiders Read More +
Phil Cannella Issues A Caution To Investors
Phil Cannella regularly cautions investors about the pitfalls of stock market investing at Crash Proof Retirement educational events. But on a recent edition of the Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and co-host Joann Small gave a very specific timeline on the danger of risk investments. Phil Cannella and Joann Small regularly discuss the money that upfront fees and ongoing expenses take out of your Wall Street investments. It’s a serious problem—Dalbar Corporation found the average investor in mutual funds has made only 3.7% annually Read More +
Phil Cannella On How To Stay Ahead During Market Crashes
Phil Cannella educates investors around the tri-state area on how to avoid losses in or near retirement. At Crash Proof Retirement educational events, Phil Cannella addresses standing-room only crowds with this surprising question: “Who would have loved to earn 0% in 2008?” Sounds crazy, right? Why would anybody be happy with making 0%? But when the subprime mortgage industry started to struggle in 2007, the memory of the stock market crash earlier that decade was still fresh in Phil Cannella’s mind. It had led him Read More +
Phil Cannella’s Crash Proof Retirement Testimonial
The Crash Proof Retirement System, created by Phil Cannella, has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Retirement spotlight on Joyce and Vince Natale of Havertown, PA. The Natales’ story is a common one in this generation of retirees. Frightened by the crash of 2008, Joyce and Vince were faced with the prospect of preparing for retirement—but were unwilling to accept the inherent risks of investing on the stock market. “I took a 40 percent hit on Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains The Domino Effect in Bond Markets
Each week on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella takes time to talk about safe alternatives to the risk of Wall Street. This week’s lesson was about the volatility of the bond environment, a lesson the city of Chicago is learning as we speak. Research from Retirement Media Inc. found that Moody’s, a leading provider of credit ratings, research, and risk analysis, has downgraded the credit rating of America’s 3rd-largest city to junk-bond levels. Moody’s rating system, which grades bonds from Aaa to C, Read More +
Happy Mother’s Day From Phil Cannella And Crash Proof Retirement
Phil Cannella dedicated The Crash Proof Retirement Show to moms everywhere last Saturday, paying special tribute and offering specialized retirement advice to the most important woman in all of our lives. “Let There Be Moms!” “It was a very wise man who once said, ‘God can’t be everywhere; therefore, let there be moms!’” said Phil Cannella. With everything our mothers do for us throughout our lifetimes, we all want to see them enjoy their golden years to their fullest extent. Part of that is spending time Read More +
Phil Cannella Welcomes Expert Brandon Garrett To The Crash Proof Retirement Show
Phil Cannella has been the host of The Crash Proof Retirement Show for almost seven years, and has had the opportunity to interview numerous exclusive guests. But he blazed a new trail recently when he welcomed Brandon Garrett, a professor of law at the University of Virginia. Professor Garrett recently authored the book Too Big To Jail: How Prosecutors Compromise With Corporations. Professor Garrett spent years researching the lenient manners in which these cases are often settled, with many guilty companies paying small or no Read More +
Phil Cannella Recalls the Enron Scandal – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella • Phillip Cannella Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella has long been documenting corruption in corporate America as well as the regulating offices in our federal government that are failing to bring an end to the ongoing fleecing of the average American. Phil Cannella reminds us that the Enron scandal should not be forgotten, as it was a milestone event that, for s short time, revealed to America the depths of corruption taking place in corporate America. Phillip Cannella • Phil Read More +
Phil Cannella Reveals 2 of the Best Client-Driven Financial Vehicles – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella helps American retirees protect their nest egg so that they can enjoy the retirement they deserve and worked so hard for. He suggests that in your retirement years you put your money in client-driven accounts (money instruments that favor the owner instead of the advisor) especially those that are specifically designed for American retirees. Let’s look at two of them now… Exclusion Ratio One of the ways Phil Cannella helps his clients legally refrain from reporting 85% of their income is with Read More +
Phil Cannella Recognized by Snr Market Advisor Publication – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella recognized Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella has been recognized by one of the leading market publications as one of the foremost experts on retirement planning. After almost 40 years in the industry, Phil Cannella became one of the leading lights in the insurance space in the country having helped thousands of retirees and pre-retirees reach their retirement goals, financially speaking. Seeing that Phil Cannella had a vastly successful seminar system, Snr Market Advisor interviewed him at length to discover the secrets Read More +
Phil Cannella Wants 100% of Your Money Working for You 100% of the Time – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella has very strong views Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella has very strong views in the way some financial advisors take advantage of their clients. One of the issues he repeatedly brings up is that the performance of a financial advisor who invests his client’s funds in securities has little bearing on his income. In other words, as Phil Cannella explains, the financial advisor will make money off of a client’s portfolio whether the client makes money or doesn’t make money. Phil Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Looks at Adult Day Care
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella tells us that there are numerous different types of long term care facilities that provide different levels of service. While each varies in cost, it is the type of care that is significant and the needs of the person requiring such care that is important to evaluate. And of course, as Phil Cannella explains, the cost of care in each case varies markedly. At the high end, Phil Cannella tells us are nursing homes. These are also the most Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Says that What You Don’t Know Can Cost You
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella doesn’t want the everyday investor left in the dark, which is why he goes to great pains to educate those coming through his doors so that they are made aware of essential factors that can influence their retirement decisions. There are so many ins and outs to these retirement accounts, it is difficult enough for a financial professional to stay on top of it. This is why Phil Cannella insists that those who deal with the Crash Proof Retirement Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Working for the Rights of Retirees
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella is determined to put the rights of retirees to have a safe and secure retirement at the front and center of discussion and action. Going into the face of Wall Street, Phil Cannella makes it his business to put an end to the fleecing of the everyday investor and thereby empower the average man to stand up for his rights when it comes to determining his or her own retirement. Phil Cannella has seen far too many retirees and Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella’s Book Reveals: Retirement Isn’t the Destination; It’s the Half Way Mark
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella’s book,Crash Proof Retirement: The Planning Isn’t Over, speaks about his life growing up and the joy he remembers seeing on his grand pop’s face when he came home and said, “I did it! I’m retired!” He also remembers the tragedy that struck shortly after that day when his grand pop suffered a stroke, and the medical bills ate up his retirement funds. If there’s one thing Phil Cannella has learned, it’s that retirement isn’t the end of the Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Explains the Statutory Accounting System of the Insurance Industry
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella is a very skilled and knowledgeable professional in the insurance industry having studied extensively on laws and regulations relating to retirement planning and other aspects of insurance over the last 40 years. Phil Cannella has made it his business to be a true industry professional so that he can continue to help seniors in every way he can to navigate through retirement. Phil Cannella explains that one of the key aspects of the insurance industry which makes the products Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Reveals Why Risk-Free Retirement Options Are Kept Secret
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella isn’t afraid to expose the government when it comes to the financial health of seniors. He point out that huge numbers of baby boomers are now reaching retirement, and their collective assets are vital to the American economy because they help to fuel the backbone of our economy (the stock market). Since a sizeable percentage of the investments found in the stock market belong to Americans age 50 and up, Phil Cannella goes on to disclose that the Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Urges us to Follow a Road with Guardrails
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella makes a great analogy between steering the path to financial well being and steering a car on a road. As Phil Cannella puts it, “Would you knowingly drive that beauty of a car of yours over a bridge that has no guard rails on a gusty day?” Your answer is more than likely “NO.” Phil Cannella goes on to say that you should consider handling your financial assets in much the same way. Having or moving your portfolio into Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Elucidates on the Responsibilities of Wielding the Sword of Truth
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Phil Cannella has a system that he has built and refined over the years that is built on the very foundation of truth. But what does “wielding the Sword of truth” really mean? I think of a knight in shining armor gallivanting around the country side in days gone by. Is this what is meant? The answer to this question comes from Phil Cannella himself. He says, “Wielding the Sword of Truth means I always deal from a Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella on the History of Financial Catastrophes
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella has witnessed first-hand the devastation a market crash can have upon an individual or a family, and most especially a retiree. Phil Cannella points out that these market crashes are cyclical, meaning they occur again and again. In fact, in Phil Cannella’s book he makes this astute observation; “Despite these historic financial catastrophes, the stock market hasn’t evolved in a way that safeguards your retirement during economic downturns. There is no mainstream financial security model in that functions well Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella, The Senior Advocate
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella proclaims to be a senior advocate. That begs the question, “What exactly is a senior advocate?” According to the dictionary, an advocate is one who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause of policy. This is exactly what Phil Cannella strives to be in respect to seniors in any way he can. Phil started his career as a senior advocate when he began selling nursing home insurance door to door. Seeing the need for seniors to protect themselves from Read More +
Phil Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Invests at Both Ends of the Life Cycle
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella is most recognized as one of the nation’s leading retirement experts (Phil Cannella) and consumer advocates. Although Phil Cannella has earned a noteworthy reputation within the senior community, as he has dedicated his career to providing an honest education for retirees, he is also gaining a reputation with a much younger demographic. Phil Cannella focuses most of his charitable efforts towards providing aid for America’s youth. Phil Cannella has found that the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been Read More +
Phil Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Funds his Own Mission
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella has been a recognized voice in the Delaware Valley since 2008 due to his popular radio show, The Phil Cannella Crash Proof Retirement Show®. Although his show has the same popularity of your run-of-the-mill for-profit media production, very few realize that Phil Cannella funds his own show. The Crash Proof Retirement Show® does not accept commercial funding from outside sponsors. The sole reason for Phil Cannella’s unorthodox radio programming is because he has made a promise to keep Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Andrew Huszar: Part 12
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: “Professor Huszar, what should Phil Cannella: Professor Huszar, what should the everyday investor do to protect their assets?” Andrew Huszar: “I definitely think we need to be prudent about financial assets and financial asset management, and I think it’s really important that your listeners find someone who can help them manage their assets in a conservative but effective way.” Phil Cannella: “What changes to the financial system in this country would make planning for retirement easier on Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Andrew Huszar: Part 11
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: “Are we simply pushing off our current economic issues and saving them for later?” Andrew Huszar: “I would go back to the story that I painted before – from the 1980s onward, Wall St. becoming a much bigger part of the economy and then when the crash happened in 2008, the U.S. Government, particularly The Fed, stepping in and taking on a lot of the role of Wall Street. So now we keep on doubling down on Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Andrew Huszar: Part 10
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: “Do you think The Fed will continue this Quantitative Easing or is there an end in sight?” Andrew Huszar: “I think The Fed’s going to keep on buying. You know I think we have an addiction problem right now, and unfortunately we had a bad moment five years ago and we basically doubled down on the addiction. I think that correction’s coming. I tend to think it’s probably a longer term thing, and one of the reasons Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Andrew Huszar: Part 9
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: “How important is it to discuss the nation’s economic situation in a public forum? For example, on CNBC?” Andrew Huszar: “I will say this:One thing I’ve loved about what’s happened is that we do live in the greatest country in the world. I wrote this piece, which is very critical about the government and about what we’re doing, and I’ve been able to go on and speak about it. In fact, a lot of these shows had Read More +
Phil Cannella the Educator
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” These are famous words of John Dewey, a noted American philosopher of the 19th and 20th century. Words like these couldn’t be more true. When we stop learning, when we stop trying to discover something new, when we stop educating ourselves, what is left to life? Moreover, by educating an individual you are giving him the power to make his own decisions. This is one of the central Read More +
Phil Cannella Goes Down to Washington
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: I believe it was Theodore Roosevelt who said “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” There is one unmistakable attribute of Phil Cannella, he will never do nothing. Standing by the sidelines while someone gets hurt goes against his grain. You won’t see that with happening with Phil Cannella around. And so Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Harry Dent
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News Phil Cannella: For any of you who do not know, Harry Dent is a renowned economist and best-selling author who uses the science of demographics to predict future market events. With uncanny accuracy he predicted the 1990-92 recession; the biggest bull market run in U.S. history and the most recent 2008 credit crisis. Phil Cannella, in his drive to educate our consumers, conducted an interview with Mr. Dent on our current economy, where it is heading and what we Read More +