Phil Cannella Aids Sandy Victims – Phil Cannella News

crproPhil Cannella came to the rescue

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella came to the rescue along with many others on the heels of one of the worst storms to hit the East Coast. Seeing the devastation that Hurricane Sandy ravaged, Phil Cannella insisted on providing the succor so badly sought by those in distress. Seeing people’s homes wiped away, seeing people who lost so much, Phil Cannella made a point to aid these people by providing much needed wherewithal to those in need.

Phil Cannella promises a donation

Working with the Red Cross, Phil Cannella promised a donation to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. His promise was $25 per person that attended his Crash Proof Retirement event in Deptford New Jersey. As a result he had hundreds line up to hear him speak and at the event he handed the Red Cross a check for $12,500.

Phil Cannella was filmed by a local news station who covered the event on the news. It is indeed acts like this for which we must be thankful. Every person has his own way of helping. Some who don’t have money might roll up their sleeves and help out in the clean-up efforts. Others, like Phil Cannella, have made a donation, in this case a sizable one and for that many, many people have been helped.

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